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Board Meetings

The Board meets in regular session at 7:00 p.m. twice each month, typically on the second and fourth Mondays. Meetings, which are open to the public, are held in City Council Chambers.

Work sessions on selected topics are often scheduled from 6:00-7:00 p.m., directly before a regular session. Special meetings are scheduled as necessary.

For a list of scheduled Board meetings, please review the 2024-2025 Board of Education Calendar.
To view Board Meeting agendas and related documents, please visit the VCS BoardDocs portal.

Meeting Types

Regular Sessions are Live-Broadcasted

  • In-person at City Council Chambers
  • YouTube Live: @VCSStreamTeam
  • Free KVAK app (Regular Meetings Only)
  • KVAK radio (Regular Meetings Only) from 7:00 p.m. to adjournment (excluding any closed executive session)

Audio and video from school board meetings are available on the district's Youtube channel within 48 hours.


Public Involvement at Regular Sessions

Stakeholder presence and participation is encouraged at board meetings. Board agendas are posted for public review on the district's BoardDocs portal prior to the meeting.

Because meetings are recorded, each speaker is asked to step to the lectern, identify himself or herself by name and address, and, if the speaker represents an organization, to name the group. 

Board members encourage public involvement and will listen to citizens' views and problems concerning school district matters. However, stakeholders are asked first to go through regular school channels for issues of concern. This may include a visit with the your child's teacher and the principal. Most problems are resolved at the campus level. If a problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then you may bring the matter to the attention of the superintendent. The school board is the final level of appeal in the school district. However, if the action taken by a school is consistent with Board policy, it is not appropriate for the Board to substitute its judgment for that of a school administrator.